Liu Lian Oh Liu Lian - Blog Maknya Naura

Sunday, April 3

Liu Lian Oh Liu Lian

Musim durian. Deman durian. Tengok senario kat pasar², tepi² jalan, kedai² runcit semua jual durian. Everything I see only durians, the song "liu lian liu lian LIU LIAN!!" comes to my mind. Haha. Ah Chai punya lagu, Ipoh mali maa..

Durian D24 yang mahal *crying for my sake*
I was in ecstasy from the pungent smell of durians along this week here. Tong sampah hari² ada saja longgokan kulit durian. Entah dari mana datang. Bau tak diundang, makan tak dijemput. Huhu. How to determine if the durian is good enough? the burp after eating it is the crucial bit. Hehe. If the burp has little aftertaste (or smell) of the durian, it is not good enough. The best ones are those that u can smell in your burp after consumption. Eww~

Orang kata isi putih lebih manis dari isi kuning

Kadang² kita tengok the ones that have a lot of flesh, but taste is so-so only. If you are going for quantity, you might be happy.. but if going for quality, it really depends on your luck on getting a good durian. Personally, I like any of them (kecuali isi masam. erkk..), not demanding not choosy even fussy. Semua aku bedal. If dapat makan roti cicah pengat durian atau pulut durian lemak, perghh. What a piece of heaven. Sigh.

perghh.. kecur saliva aku der

dan perghh lagi..

tak dapat seulas..

secubit pon jadilah :)

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