4B: Bila Belajar Benda Baru - Blog Maknya Naura

Saturday, July 18

4B: Bila Belajar Benda Baru

Ketika ini kelas sedang berjalan. . hu3 berdosakah aku x fokus dlm kelas??En. Aziman kelihatan amat segak hari neh hee.. bodek sket. Sekarang pun beliau tengah membebel dgn penuh semangat pasal bende alah neh. Aku plak dalam paham x paham jew tapi cuba jugak aku paham2 kan pe yang beliau cuba smpaikan. . urm. . bila blaja bende baru ceni la keadaannya. . sabo jew lah~

Learn C++ Programming Tutorial Lesson 1 - First Program
Requirements: Before we start programming in C++ we need a compiler. We will be using a command line compiler for this tutorial. I will be using Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 but you can use any other ANSI/ISO compliant compiler such as gcc.

The main function is where a program always starts. Every program must have a main function. The word int in front of main is /to say what the return value is. The curly brackets belong to the main function and show where it begins and where it ends. Now we will type the command that prints "Hello World" on the screen between the curly brackets.

cout << "Hello World\n";

The cout command is used to print things on the screen and. . . bla. . . bla. . . bla. . . bla. . . .

adoiyai!! nak muntah rasanya. . korang nak rasa apa yg aku rasa?! (bagi yg fresh lagik dgn subjek neh) try la survey kt web and alamilah sendirik hu3. . lambatnya masa berjalan~

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