ALIEN H1N1 menyerang BUMI UMP! - Blog Maknya Naura

Saturday, August 1

ALIEN H1N1 menyerang BUMI UMP!

Semuanya angkara si H1N1! Hari ini memperlihatkan satu kampus huru-hara bila memo tersebut kluar kt announcement board. Sume org jadi xtentu arah, macam alien tgh menyerang bumi dalam cite predator vs alien kat movie tuh. Huu.. aku still slumber agik. Sekarang neh aku 0n9 kat JHEPA, wireless kat cni mmg fast & furious xmcm kat bilik. Aduyai, bjam-jam tgu nk loading page.. Lepak-lepak smbil tgok suasana kt kampus skunk cam org balek cuti raya. Ade yg berlari, ade yg sorong beg besa, ade tgh lepak kt bus stop, ade gak yg amek kesempatan wat date utk kali terakhir.. hee yg pasti, agendanya sume org kena balek bcuti darurat.

Aku relax jew coz da ade yg tlog belikan tiket balek tp tiket mlm neh da abeh so esok la jwpnye bru dapat blek JB. Aku pun mmg da dpt agk mende neh akn berlaku sbb ptg td aku gi wat check up kt klinik ditemani rumet aku si Pusya. Satu hari suntuk aku sorong Pusya ke hulur ke hilir. Kitorang cuti so dari dok tperap kat bilik naik lebam aku. Result check up?!Don’t worry, alhmdulillah aku totally sht sejahtera. Pusya pun sama. Siap dapat sticker hijau kat kad matric sbg tanda kitorg bebas virus bhaya tuh. Dengar cite ramai gak student kne kuarantin..

Hari ni jugak due date utk asgment Sir Adnan, aku bjaya siapkan 60% jew hahak.. tah bape la markah aku utk asgment neh. Td aku bru jew post 1 cite kat Sir Adnan, pasal H1N1 ni la.. cite terakhir aku utk bulan ini dan hope sir xmarah, i’m so sorry sir!

Utk post kali neh aku wt research sket, slalu pkai blasah jew hee.. grammar pon tah ke mana, ayat pkai tgkap muat jew tuh jnji bunyik omputih hak3.. korg rasa cmne?ok x?

In announcement board today, a memo was stated that Universiti Malaysia Pahang(UMP) were closed for one week beginning today after a number of their students were suspected with ILI or influenza A(H1N1. All of students should return to campus only after this campus had recovered from the illness.Yesteday the university have already provide face masks to all suspected students when they having their medical check up at UKP.

Students had advised not to attend any classes or lectures from Thursday evening and if there were not feeling well, they have to attend a soon as possible and to wear face masks if they did in the order for the immediate closure was issued to prevent the spread of the ILI virus to other students.

In Bernama News had state that measures to control the spread of influenza A(H1N1) are being further intensified with six schools and a teaching institute asked to close today after students were found to have contracted Influenza A (H1N1) or influenza-like illness (ILI) at them.

Four schools in Pahang -- Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Jengka, Maran, Sekolah Menengah Abdul Rahman Talib (SMART), Kuantan, Sekolah Menengah Sains Tengku Abdullah, Raub and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Clifford, Kuala Lipis -- were ordered to remain shut until Aug 7.

Pahang Education Department director Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Latif said the action was taken after checks conducted by the Health Department found eight students from the schools were positive for H1N1.

Although more schools and educational institutions in all of Malaysia were closed due to the illness, the situation is under control because I think the Malaysian Health Department had taken various steps immediately due to the Chief Of Deparment advised those infected to be disciplined and to abide by the quarantine order issued by the Health Department.

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